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The power of IoT in precision farming

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Precision farming, aka precision agriculture, is a new way of farming. It uses technology to help farmers improve their chances of success by optimising how their land is used, reducing waste, and improving their overall impact on the environment.

With the world population being on course to exceed 10 billion within the next 50 years, the demand for food is expected to increase and as such, more efficient and sustainable farming practices are needed to keep everyone fed. The “Internet of Things” is a key technology driving the transformation of precision farming, enabling farmers to collect, analyse, and act on data in real-time.

Examples of precision agriculture

Precision farming | precision beekeeping

Precision agriculture technology is being used in a new branch of apiculture to increase honey production and monitor the condition of beehives. Advanced sensors, software, and data analysis help to provide accurate information about how bees behave and the environment they inhabit. This information not only aids apiculturists in selecting suitable locations for their colonies, it helps them pinpoint the ideal conditions for their bees.

Precision Livestock Farming (PLF)

Precision livestock farming, or PLF, is a technology-driven approach to animal husbandry that uses sensors and data analytics to monitor the health of animals. By collecting and analysing data on animal behaviour, nutrition levels, environmental conditions, and other factors, farmers can make better decisions about their animals’ care. This includes optimising feed and health management plans, as well as improving the efficiency of animal reproduction.

Benefits of precision agriculture

The integration of IoT in agriculture has numerous benefits:

IoT sensors can measure various parameters within crop science such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and light intensity, providing farmers with real-time insights into the growth and health of their crops. Technologies such as satellite crop monitoring enables farmers to optimise how they use resources. For example, irrigation management, fertiliser, and pesticides all contribute to reducing waste and increasing crop yield potential.

IoT sensors can detect pests and diseases in crops, allowing farmers to take preventive measures before significant damage occurs. This reduces the need for harmful pesticides and chemicals to be used as standard as it may not be required, promoting environmentally friendly farming practices, and delivering a better standard of crop without hurting wildlife.

Farming vehicle manufacturers are starting to use M2M communication and GPS technology in order to manage machinery out in the fields, with manufacturers such as John Deere developing precision farming tools including remote spraying drones and autonomous tractors.

IoT devices can track the movement of crops from farm to market, providing valuable insights into the quality and condition of the produce during transit. This helps farmers to optimise the timing and distribution of their products, improving the overall quality for the consumer while reducing waste and improving profitability for the farmer.

Challenges of IoT in precision farming

There are many benefits of IoT when it comes to precision farming, but there are also challenges that must be addressed. These include:

The costs associated to setting up IoT sensors, devices, and software can be expensive, especially if you don’t have any existing IoT infrastructure in place. This may limit the adoption of IoT technology in precision farming, however, if farmers can get over this initial investment hurdle IoT should help them significantly improve profitability in the long term.

IoT devices collect and transmit sensitive data, such as crop yield and environmental conditions. Ensuring the security and privacy of this data is crucial to protect farmers’ business interests and prevent cyber threats. Although crop data might not be the most sensitive or sort after information, compromised IoT devices may pose a much wider threat to your network.

IoT devices rely on stable internet connectivity and reliable power supply, which may be limited in rural areas. Improving connectivity and infrastructure in these areas is crucial when it comes to getting the most out of IoT in precision farming. If connectivity is a problem for your IoT deployments, consider multi-network IoT connectivity from InfiSIM to maximise uptime and reduce your connectivity headaches.

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The future of IoT in precision farming

The future of IoT in precision farming is bright, with a growing number of companies investing in the development of IoT solutions for agriculture. Some of the future prospects of IoT in precision farming include:

AI and Machine Learning

Combining IoT with AI and Machine Learning can enable predictive analytics, enabling farmers to anticipate crop growth, yield, and quality, and allowing them to optimise their resources accordingly.

Autonomous farming

IoT technology enables the development of autonomous farming systems, allowing farmers to remotely monitor and control their operations, reduce labour costs, and improve productivity.


IoT in precision farming has the potential to promote sustainable agriculture by reducing waste, promoting eco-friendly practices, and optimising the use of natural resources. IoT is truly helping us to reduce our impact on the environment.


IoT sensors measure various parameters such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and light intensity, providing farmers with real-time insights into the crop’s growth and health. This information enables farmers to optimise the use of resources such as water, fertiliser, and pesticides, reducing waste and increasing crop yields.

Some of the challenges include the high initial investment required for IoT sensors and software to be installed, data security and privacy concerns, and the need for stable internet connectivity and reliable power supply, especially in rural areas. Luckily multi-network IoT SIM cards deliver vast coverage and utilise very little power.

IoT in precision farming can promote sustainability by reducing waste, promoting eco-friendly practices, and optimising the use of natural resources. Real-time control of environmental conditions, better crop protection, and better supply chain management all help to make the agricultural system more efficient and sustainable.

More crops, less waste and more profit for farmers

The use of IoT technology in precision farming offers a variety of potential benefits, including the real-time monitoring and control of environmental conditions, improved crop protection, enhanced supply chain management, and a reduction in waste. While there are some challenges that may hinder adoption, the future prospects of IoT in precision farming are very exciting.

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