Reduce energy wastage with IoT.

IoT in energy

Have an IoT project but don’t know where to start?

IoT applications in the energy sector

Implementing connected technology through the use of machine to machine communication has an array of benefits for businesses operating within energy.

  • Reduced wastage

  • Better intelligence & analytics

  • Improved profitability

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How the Internet of Things is being used to manage energy resources

IoT technology can be used for various applications in the energy sector such as real-time data monitoring and managing of electricity consumption, tracking and managing renewable energy resources, optimising power grid operations, and managing electric vehicle charging.

The benefits of the IoT in energy production

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is having a profound impact on the energy sector. By connecting devices and systems to the internet, energy companies are able to improve efficiency, lower costs, and provide better service to their customers.

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Process automation

As technology has advanced, more and more processes can be automated delivering greater reliability and consistency, reducing margin for error and wastage.

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Regulation compliance

Energy companies use IoT devices to monitor the energy usage of their daily operations. These organisations then analyse this data to ensure that they comply with current environmental laws. IoT management software allows companies to ensure they meet regulations in order to achieve industry certifications and benefit from incentives.

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Improved customer service & reporting

By monitoring the supply chain, the grid and having access to detailed analytics, energy producers are able to deliver real time information to their end-users. They can be alerted to issues immediately and are able to rake remedial action before it impacts their customers.

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Grid asset maintenance

One of the most significant benefits of IoT is improved asset management. In the past, energy companies have been reliant on manual inspection and maintenance of their equipment. This has led to inefficiencies and costly downtime when problems arise. With the IoT, energy companies can now monitor their equipment in real-time, identify issues before they become major problems, and schedule maintenance accordingly. This results in lower costs and increased uptime for critical equipment.

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Energy optimisation & load balancing

By collecting data on demand and identifying energy consumption patterns, energy providers can efficiently manage their workloads and infrastructure. This way they’re not over manufacturing energy, reducing storage costs and energy waste. Likewise, companies can ensure that they are manufacturing enough to meet their customers’ demands and deliver good customer service.

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Reduce operational expenses

Reducing operational costs is one of the benefits of deploying IoT within energy production. Monitoring your devices remotely means less physical staff are active at one time. And by keeping on top of your maintenance requirements (and being pre-alerted to required repairs), downtime is kept at an absolute minimum and staff overhead is managed more effectively.

How IoT is changing the retail industry

It’s important to remember that it’s not just energy producers that can benefit from the deployment of IoT. There are also a wide range of products delivering fantastic benefits for end users looking to improve efficiency within their very own smart homes.

Industries that will benefit

Smart energy can power smart industries

Efficiently managing energy is a win-win for all parties. Industries such as smart agriculture and smart cities, where the demand for energy is high but can be made more efficient through effective deployment of IoT technology, are always on the lookout for new technologies to enhance efficiency. And as more of these technologies emerge, productivity and sustainability will begin to work hand in hand.


As e-mobility grows in popularity, the demand for increased energy to power electric vehicles continues to rise. Given this increase in demand, it’s critical that energy manufacturers are able to improve how efficiently they produce and store energy, IoT is the solution to this problem.

The future of IoT in energy

The energy sector is already beginning to harness the power of the IoT. For example, utilities are using smart meters to collect data on electricity usage, which helps them to improve grid management and identify areas for efficiency improvements. In the future, the IoT will enable even more transformative applications in the energy sector.

For example, the IoT Sims could be used to create virtual power plants that could provide backup power during times of peak demand or when traditional power plants are offline for maintenance. The IoT could also be used to manage electric vehicle charging so that it doesn’t overload the grid.

How to get started with your IoT deployment

If you’re looking to implement IoT technology within your organisation whether you’re in energy sector or not, InfiSIM’s M2M SIMs enable unrivalled connectivity, allowing you to reliably connect to any device, from anywhere in the world. Book a free no obligation consultation with one of our M2M SIM experts. We’ll talk you through every detail and even provide you with a free 30-day trial so you can experience how good our IoT SIMs are. After initial deployment, we’ll help you scale to meet your business objectives.

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