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What is data pooling?

When it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT), mastering the concept of data pooling is crucial. Data pooling empowers businesses and organisations to amalgamate data consumption from a plethora of devices, thereby facilitating the most judicious use of valuable resources. This guide is designed to be your ultimate resource for understanding data pooling within the IoT sphere, from its core definition to its real-world applications and the myriad advantages it offers.

What exactly is data pooling in IoT?

Data pooling in the IoT context is the practice of unifying data consumption across numerous devices that share the same network infrastructure. This strategic consolidation contributes to enhanced resource allocation, resulting in substantial cost efficiencies and streamlined data governance.

The data pooling process revolves around a central server tasked with aggregating data from a number of IoT devices. These devices can vary extensively, from industrial sensors to wearable tech designed for consumers.

The advantages of data pooling

  • Monetary efficiency

    One of the standout benefits of data pooling is its cost-effectiveness. Organisations can rest knowing that their devices are utilising data from a wider data pool rather than exceeding their unique data limits and incurring overuse charges.

  • Simplified governance

    Managing a consolidated data pool is intrinsically more straightforward than juggling multiple disparate data quotas. All of your devices consume data from a shared pool meaning you are far less likely to run into issues with overconsumption.

A step-by-step guide to implementing data pooling

1. Evaluate data requirements

The initial step is to conduct a thorough assessment of the data needs for every device within your IoT ecosystem.

2. Select a suitable connectivity provider

Select a connectivity provider that offers aggregated data pooling and a connectivity management platform that gives you full visibility of your SIM estate.

3. Deploy your connectivity

Once you have settled on a provider, roll out your new connectivity solution across all of your devices. Make sure they are set up correctly and passing data as expected.

4. View & manage your aggregated data pool

Log into your connectivity management platform to view your data usage and manage your connections. Have visibility of which devices are overusing data, as well as those which are underusing data.

Best practices for data pooling

  • Opt for a connectivity provider with impeccable reliability and scalability.

  • Conduct periodic reviews of data consumption patterns and adjust allocations accordingly.
  • Implement stringent security protocols to safeguard the integrity of your pooled data.

Data pooling vs individual metering

Unlike individual metering, which allocates a fixed quantum of data per device, data pooling offers a far more versatile and efficient alternative, particularly suited for large-scale IoT implementations.


Data pooling in IoT is an incredibly potent strategy for maximising data utility, curbing expenses, and simplifying data administration. With a deep understanding of its intricacies and best practices, organisations are well-placed to significantly elevate their IoT deployments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Absolutely. Provided it’s implemented with rigorous security safeguards, data pooling remains a secure approach to data management.

The ideal solution is contingent on your specific needs, such as the scale of your IoT operations, the variety of devices involved, and your data consumption patterns. Consult your connectivity provider for more information about the best data pooling solution for your unique business.

MNOs own their network infrastructure, while MVNOs rent it.
