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IoT security issues & how to protect yourself

According to recent data collected by IBM, the average data breach can cost an organisation over £3 million. That figure underscores just how important it is to ensure that you do all you can to keep your company’s private data, systems, and networks safe from would-be hackers and cyber criminals.

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However, as more companies embrace IoT devices in the workplace, many are overlooking the additional security measures that can be put in place. If you’re worried about scammers gaining access to your confidential information through IoT devices in the office, keep reading to learn how to protect yourself from rogue devices and threats on your connected devices.

Below, you’ll find the top security threats presented by IoT devices at work and tips for enabling your staff to overcome them.

Security issues presented by IoT devices in the workplace

IoT devices bring a lot of value to the workplace, but they can also be exploited and taken advantage of by those looking to benefit from any security vulnerabilities. There are a number of security measures you can put in place to be secure, here are the risks you can mitigate by being safe.

The biggest reason why IoT devices present security risks is that they typically connect to private internal systems.

From Smart TVs that connect to your Google Drive to smart scheduling devices like Alexa for Business that can control access to your building, there’s a lot of valuable information that a hacker could get from accessing an IoT device. Whether you think it’s only receiving innocent information or is providing a security solution to your business.

It’s also important to note that IoT device manufacturers rarely make security their number one priority. They often focus on things like affordability and interconnectivity instead.

That may be fine for home-based systems. But when these devices are connecting to your most valuable business data, you have to be proactive to ensure that delayed software updates and other manufacturer-based security threats don’t threaten your business.

A lack of employee training may be the biggest threat related to IoT devices in the workplace. When workers don’t understand how these devices function, the proper ways to use them, and what they need to do to avoid causing a breach, security issues tend to arise, so things like weak passwords can be a serious threat.

Finally, IoT devices tend to record large amounts of data by default. They do that to offer smarter recommendations and deliver more value.

But this also means that any IoT-related security breach could leave your company riddled with vulnerabilities that allow hackers to get into your systems without even using an IoT device as an entry point.

How to enable staff to prevent IoT security issues

It’s important to be aware of the different risks presented when you bring IoT devices into the office. But if you can get your staff on your side helping you prevent these security issues, you can enjoy the full benefits of IoT without having to suffer the drawbacks.

Here are four ways you can use your staff to prevent IoT security issues.

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