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IoT sensors and what they do


IoT sensors are becoming increasingly prevalent in our everyday lives. They are being used to track everything from our fitness levels to the amount of traffic on the roads and even weather patterns. IoT sensor technology is fantastic because they have been developed to have low energy consumption and can survive in hostile environments such as extreme temperatures or attached to mobile devices.

One of the most notable benefits of deploying IoT sensors is their ability to collect data. This data can be used to improve public services, make better decisions about infrastructure, and even save lives. For example, sensor data can be used to monitor air quality and traffic patterns in real-time. This information can then be used to direct resources where they are needed most.

What are IoT sensors?

Definition and types of sensors

An IoT sensor is a physical device that monitors and collects data from the environment around it. It then sends that data to an IoT platform for further analysis. There are many types of IoT sensor, each designed to measure a specific type of data. Some common types of IoT sensors include temperature, humidity, motion, light, and pressure sensors.

These sensors can be found in all sorts of locations, from warehouses, manufacturing equipment, outside in the arctic circle and even within smart devices.

How do IoT sensors work?

IoT sensors are devices that collect data about the world around them and send it back to a central repository. This data can then be used to monitor everything from weather patterns to traffic flows. IoT sensors come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they contain a sensing element that converts physical phenomena into electronic signals as well as some form of connectivity.

Types of IoT sensors

IoT sensors are devices that collect data about the world around them and send it back to a central repository. This data can then be used to monitor everything from weather patterns to traffic flows. Sensors come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they contain a sensing element that converts physical phenomena into electronic signals as well as some form of connectivity.

Benefits of using IoT sensors?

One benefit is that they can help you save money on your energy bill. By monitoring your energy usage, you can make changes to reduce your consumption, saving you money. These are frequently seen in smart meters but can be just as useful for a business to monitor their energy usage.

A business could use a sensor to track when people enter and exit your office so that you know when to heat or cool the space.

IoT sensors can help you improve the safety and security of your home or office. By installing sensors that monitor for fire, carbon monoxide, and water leaks, you can be alerted to potential dangers before they cause serious damage.

Some sensors can alert operators of potential mechanical issues within a business’ machinery and can even order their own parts and servicing without human interaction. This cuts down on unnecessary engineer callouts.

IoT sensors can help you make better decisions by automating tasks and collecting data, enabling you and your teams to be more efficient and productive. One example of how sensors are being used to improve efficiency is within the manufacturing process. They can even be deployed to automate your just-in-time (JIT) raw material management processes.

IoT devices can transfer vast amounts of data to cloud networks where all the data is stored. It is then presented it in a digestible format that is easy for the operator to understand. Some businesses have vast IoT systems that contain thousands of sensors, all feeding information to a central hub. The connectivity aspect that enables data to be traversed and processed is usually in the form of an M2M (Machine to Machine) SIM card.

Some sensors are also able to implement autonomous control over business environments. If you own a manufacturing facility, you can set parameters where temperature control can be switched on automatically if the monitored area/product becomes too hot or cold.

Consumer & industrial applications of IoT sensors

IoT sensors are becoming increasingly popular as their applications continue to grow. Some of the most common applications for IoT sensors include:

Limitations of IoT sensors

There are some limitations to using these sensors that should be considered before implementing them.

One limitation of IoT sensors is that they often require a power source. This means that they may not be suitable for remote or underground locations. Fortunately, some sensor manufacturers understand this and install batteries. In order to deliver connectivity to sensors in hard-to-reach locations such as underground car parks, LPWAN solutions such as NB-IoT connectivity can be deployed. If you are looking to install sensors in a hard-to-reach location, it’s important to discuss your options with the manufacturer of your desired sensor as well as your IoT connectivity provider. Together, they will help you find a compatible solution.

One downside of IoT sensors is that like most technology, they can be hacked. If hackers gain access to your sensor data, they could potentially use it to exploit vulnerabilities and compromise your systems. Additionally, IoT sensors often collect sensitive data about people and their habits, which raises privacy concerns. It is important to make sure that any data collected by IoT sensors is properly secured to avoid these risks.

To ensure your internet of things sensors are secure, talk to your connectivity provider and find out what security measures they have in place to reduce the risk of your business falling victim to cybercrime.

Another downside of IoT sensors is that they can be unreliable if not implemented correctly. Since these sensors are often wirelessly connected, they can be subject to interference from other devices or environmental factors. This can cause your sensor readings to be inaccurate or even completely unavailable. For this reason, organisations usually deploy numerous sensors to take an average reading. Multi-network IoT connectivity solutions may help to increase reliability as well.

If you’re running hundreds or thousands of sensors, there can be significant costs when it comes to your upfront investment and monthly data usage. It’s important to plan a budget for your sensor deployments in order to reduce bill-shock.


IoT sensors are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a wide range of benefits. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to install, and offer a high degree of accuracy. Additionally, sensors can be used to monitor a variety of different environmental conditions, making them ideal for use in both homes and business environments.

Overall, IoT sensors offer a number of advantages that outweigh the disadvantages, making them well-suited for most IoT applications.

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