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Delivering London | Connected Lockers

Get a free trial of our IoT SIM cards

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Delivering London provide battery-powered lockers that necessitate no wiring or groundworks, ensuring an eco-friendly and maintenance-free solution for landowners. This proven technology is currently operating globally, facilitating a straightforward, cost-effective, and rapid installation of the network.

The challenge

Delivering London needed a dependable connectivity provider to enhance the efficiency of their connectivity within their parcel locker ecosystem.

InfiSIM’s solution

InfiSIM provided a comprehensive solution that included high-quality SIM cards and advanced connectivity management services. The implementation of InfiSIM’s IoT M2M connectivity aimed to establish a robust and reliable network for Delivering London’s locker ecosystem.

Key features & results

The enhanced connectivity facilitated real-time monitoring, secure data transfer, and improved overall system responsiveness.

Reliable IoT network coverage

Reliable network coverage

InfiSIM’s network coverage proved highly dependable for Delivering London, ensuring constant connectivity even in challenging urban environments.

Operational efficiency

Operational efficiency

Delivering London experienced a notable increase in the efficiency of their IoT parcel locker solutions, with a significant reduction in connectivity-related disruptions.

Dedicated account management

Effective account management

Delivering London benefited from dedicated account managers, including professionals who played a crucial role in ensuring a seamless onboarding process, providing proactive support, and promptly addressing any connectivity issues.


The successful integration of InfiSIM’s M2M solution, coupled with dependable network coverage, efficient account management, and transparent pricing, has not only addressed Delivering London’s connectivity challenges, but has also elevated the overall performance and competitiveness of their business.

For companies operating in urban environments and seeking a reliable and comprehensive connectivity solution for IoT & M2M applications, the case of Delivering London and InfiSIM serves as a compelling example of the benefits derived from a strategic partnership with a trusted connectivity provider.
