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What is data pooling?

Data pooling enables businesses to amalgamate their data tariffs to enable better connectivity management.

What is data pooling?2023-11-16T17:14:31+00:00

What is an MNO?

Discover the integral role of Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) in IoT and telecommunication ecosystems.

What is an MNO?2023-11-09T12:51:58+00:00

What is 4G?

4G is the successor to 3G. It offers faster internet speeds, higher quality calls, and an overall improved user experience.

What is 4G?2023-08-02T12:39:22+01:00

What is 3G?

3G is a set of international standards that enables high-speed data transfer for mobile communications.

What is 3G?2023-07-25T16:43:53+01:00

What is GSM?

GSM is a standard developed by ETSI to describe the protocols for second-generation (2G) cellular networks.

What is GSM?2023-07-25T15:05:14+01:00

What is GPRS?

GPRS laid the groundwork for today's high-speed, high-capacity networks.

What is GPRS?2023-07-25T14:54:26+01:00

What is LTE connectivity?

LTE is a high-speed wireless communication standard for mobile devices and data terminals.

What is LTE connectivity?2023-07-25T14:40:47+01:00

What is IPsec?

IPsec is designed with three primary objectives: authentication, encryption, & data integrity.

What is IPsec?2023-07-25T14:27:39+01:00

What is 5G?

5G builds upon the foundation of 3G and 4G, but with several notable advancements.

What is 5G?2023-07-25T14:27:15+01:00